Oct 29, 2012

Mary Sue Litmus Test

Every person has different characteristics when compared with another person by the means of habits, way of thinking, knowledge, physical parts, voice and more. Sometimes, the people will compare their characters with some imaginary persons or characters to know their character rate easily. Like that, last week I thought to know my original character’s scores by using any exceptional test. So, I searched out for the best tools in the internet websites to get my character’s scores easily. From that number of websites, I fetched the info about the Mary litmus test, which is used to know the original score for the specific person’s character from various aspects. This test will award the character points for the users by comparing the characteristics of that person with Mary sue. From that, I got the scores for my characteristics which are related to the Mary sue.

Have you ever known about who is Mary Sue and the characteristics that are related to mary sue litmus test? Mary sue is an imaginary person or character which has highly hackneyed and romanticized traits. Generally, the name Mary Sue defines the particular fiction character which has the high percentage of positive attributes than the negative mannerisms. By using these positive characters, the fiction character Mary Sue is able to overcome the other types of traits. The name Mary Sue is invented from the imitation of positive type characters, which is denoted as a one-dimensional view in the fictions. The writers or readers label these characters also by the name of Mary Sues and the male Mary sues are called as different names. They include Gary Stu, Marty Stu, Larry Stu, and some other similar names that are related to the Mary Sue.

The imaginary personality Mary Sue has some diverse attributes when compared to the normal human being that will fix on the scores of the person, who likes to know their scores from Mary litmus test. Several numbers of various characteristics of Mary Sue includes transferred nature of 20th century, strange names like difference in the spelling in general names or names from the alien’s world, dissimilar eye color, unusual hair, atypical voice, unidentified physical characteristics, irregular skills which are totally different from the ordinary person and more. From these new and divergent traits of Mary Sue, the person can get their scores easily within a short period of time. For example, the odd eye colors of Mary include violet, amber, and so on, which are fully unrelated to the regular black or Brown color eyes.

In this test, I got the second score level that 6-10 from the number of points level. The various points’ levels that are presented in the Mary litmus test comprise of totally 4 stages with different score rates. They are 0-5, 6-10, 11-15, and 16-20. The score level from 0-5 defines the pass level, and 6-10 denotes needs work to overcome the negative traits. Similarly, 11-15 denotes character requires major work and 16-20 defines the further help to obtain best scores when compared to fictional character Mary Sue. It is really interesting in every process which is used to check my character’s scores.

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